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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Green Tea As an Aid for Weight Loss - How to Enjoy Green Tea to Drink It Consistently

Green tea is well known for its amazing effects to the health. It is a great source of antioxidants as well as an aid for weight loss too. But it requires patience as it can show results over time with consistency. This article will guide you how to enjoy tea every day.

If you want to enjoy results with green tea, you have to first enjoy drinking it. Green tea as part of your weight loss plan requires you to start the habit of drinking the tea every day to see results over time.

To start enjoying this type of tea, make the effort to drink it at the same period during the day. For example, you need to drink tea during lunch daily. After a few weeks, you will form this habit and you can never live without it during your lunch.

In fact, this is technique is how athletes form the habit when training for a competition. They train the same muscle group during the same time of the day and they consistently do it over time until they are ready for the contest. So, get in a rhythm too with your tea and you will see benefits in a few weeks.

The tea can be served hot or cold and should be without sugar. If you want it sweet, go for honey or Stevia, a natural sweetener available in health stores and groceries. Personally, I like my tea poured over ice for an invigorating treat. It is not difficult to fall in love with it.

The effect of green tea in enhancing the metabolism rate is what makes it effective for your weight loss. Start enjoying it now and you will eventually lose weight naturally with green tea.

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